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MOVIMIENTO DE MUJERES DE KURDISTAN. Escritora iraní ha estado en huelga de hambre durante 57 días. 170 periodistas tras las rejas en Turquía. España, EEUU y la OTAN autorizan el nuevo etnocidio de Turquía en la zona siria de Afrín.
One Station Against The Nation. What Is Radio Blackout? Sulla natura di Radio Blackout.
Until they become conscious they will never rebel, and until after they have rebelled they cannot become conscious. Tony Blair warns against voting for Jeremy Corbyn. Not content with making millions. On the back of helping to instigate an illegal war, the man who belongs in front of the ICC in the Hague, warns Labour leadership voters that their party faces. If Jeremy Corbyn wins the leadership.
Der Frankenschock und die Unia. Die Reaktionen der Unternehmen auf den Frankenschock treffen die ArbeiterInnen in der Schweiz hart. Gegen Frauen und die AHV. Der Frankenschock und die Unia. Gegen Frauen und die AHV.
Kongo, Democratic Republic of. Websites listed in the directory. 2007 - 2015 Generated in 0.
Kantonên Rojava yekemîn nûnertiya xwe ya fermî vekir. Sûdana Başûr a şerê navxweyî lê heye muzakere sekinand. Di çalakiyan de 20 leşker û 4 polîs ku hatin kuştin 2 panzer, helîkoptereke Kobra û 2 wesayîtên zirxî yên akrep hatin derbkirin. Li Wanê 3 kes birîndar bûn.
Rojava Kantonları ilk resmi temsilciğini açtı. İç savaşın vurduğu Güney Sudan müzakereleri askıya aldı. Gerçekleştirilen eylemlerde 21 asker, 4 polis öldürülürken, 2 panzer, 1 Kobra helikopteri ve 2 akrep tipi zırhlı araç da darbelendi.
Kantonên Rojava yekemîn nûnertiya xwe ya fermî vekir. Sûdana Başûr a şerê navxweyî lê heye muzakere sekinand. Di çalakiyan de 20 leşker û 4 polîs ku hatin kuştin 2 panzer, helîkoptereke Kobra û 2 wesayîtên zirxî yên akrep hatin derbkirin. Li Wanê 3 kes birîndar bûn.
Turkish soldiers kill 2 and wound 9 Arab citizens at Girê Spî border. Turkey sends manure to gangs for making explosives. Solar power system in Efrîn. Kurdish Red Crescent distributes aid in Şêxmeqsûd. 4 people die in opposition attacks in Damascus. Salih Muslîm meets Palestinian President Mahmud Abbas. PYD co-president Salih Muslîm met President of Palestine Mahmud Abbas and discussed the Syrian crisis. Turkish soldiers break legs and arms of a Rojava citizen. YPG releases balance sheet of war for July.
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